Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be written with clarity and grace, and must conform to TIS style guidelines, with references in APA style. Authors should adhere to English (American or British) grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Manuscripts (with abstract) are to be submitted using our Open Access Journal Submission (OJS) portal.
NB The abstract is expected to include brief statement of your hypothesis, a discussion of the theoretical background, description of your methodology, summation of the findings or argument to be discussed in the paper, and an explanation of how your work contributes to the field. (Here is a helpful guide for writing an effective abstract.) Remember that an abstract is not something to be dashed off as a formality. It is the only evidence of your ability to organize your thoughts, state your premise convincingly, and show that you will deliver an interesting paper; an unsatisfactory abstract will most often lead to a summary rejection. Your abstract should therefore reflect the qualities expected in your paper. A concise and precise abstract is more likely to be accepted than a wordy and rambling submission.
Style Guide Your paper can be submitted in any format, but if accepted you must undertake to format it in accordance with the TIS style guide.
Word Count Submissions are on average 3,000–7,000 words. Although there is no strict word limit, articles of over 10,000 words are unlikely to be focused enough to be accepted.
Translations English translations should be provided for any text, passages, quotations, titles, etc., in another language.
Permissions For articles featuring images, authors must seek reproduction permissions prior to publication. Any images must be high resolution at 300 dpi.
Referencing Referencing must be full and consistent, and formatted in APA style with footnotes, not endnotes. Your paper should include a bibliography of “Works Cited.” You may add an additional list of non-cited sources under “Further Reading.”
If you use referencing software, please ensure that your in-text references and/or footnotes, and your list of works cited, are complete, and that you have converted your in-text bibliography to static text before sending.
Please ensure that you have secured permissions for images that are integral to your paper and which you would like to include. Do not assume that anything downloaded from the Internet is free of copyright! Images must be fully referenced, with copyright declaration and permissions cited, e.g., “© XXX date. Reproduced with permission.”
Statement of authorship
All authors of manuscripts accepted for publication will be required to sign a Statement of Authorship. In signing this statement, the author asserts that
- the article is entirely the work of the named author(s).
- the article has not been published elsewhere.
- the article has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
Conflict of Interest
To prevent ambiguity, authors also are required to state whether there is, or is not, a conflict of interest. Conflict of interest exists when an author has financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately bias or compromise their scholarship.
Publication in TIS does not preclude submission of similar material to a field-specific professional journal. Any work rewritten for a specialist publication will necessarily have a different approach, and the editors expect that the resulting paper will be substantially different from that which will appear in the interdisciplinary medium of TIS.
Please ensure you observe all deadlines, to ensure timely publication. Reviewers are likewise committed to sending their comments on schedule, and it is important that you respond quickly with any revisions.
Acknowledgements: Sources of Funding Any sources of funding awarded to support the research (from NCIS or elsewhere) must be acknowledged.
If you have any queries, do feel free to contact the Editor at tis@ncis.org.
PEER REVIEW PROCESS for TIS journal articles
Please ensure you observe all deadlines, to ensure timely publication. Reviewers are likewise committed to sending their comments on schedule, and it is important that you respond quickly with any revisions.
If you have any queries, do feel free to contact the Editor at tis@ncis.org.
1) Soundness
Clarity of argument The reviewers look for a clear argument, so you should state the aim of the research, outline the seminal issues involved, and offer valid conclusions.
SUGGESTIONS: The writing should be scholarly rather than popular in tone, yet clarity should be achieved without being overly burdened by academic buzzwords and clichés. Many scholars outside of your discipline will be interested in your writing.
Scholarly methodology Your paper should include the theoretical background where relevant, and any ethical considerations in data collection. Researcher reflexivity (the ways in which your own background, ethnicity, etc., may affect your primary data, such as information provided by people you use as research subjects, or your own interpretation of the data) also should be recognized and acknowledged. For papers in disciplines that do not necessarily support this format (e.g., curating) manuscripts will be judged on a case-by-case basis, but it is expected that these will still demonstrate high standards of professionalism.
2) Significance
You will need to show the intellectual significance of your paper, by including a brief overview of the field, or a concise literature review, so that your research can be situated by non-specialists in your field. You should also spell out the contribution made to the field by your paper.
3) Originality
It is expected that your work will be original rather than derivative. It will draw on existing literature and refer to work in the same field, but should make an original contribution to the existing body of scholarship. This original contribution should be made evident.
1) Soundness
- Is the manuscript well organized, with clear aims, argument and conclusions?
- Is the paper well written in terms of the quality of English and academic style?
- Are the sources appropriate?
- Are the conclusions justified?
2) Significance
- Does this manuscript have appeal to a multi-disciplinary audience?
- Does its scope and importance justify its publication in the TIS rather than in a specialized journal?
3) Originality
- How original is the manuscript’s contribution to its field? In what way(s) is it original?
General Editor
Shelby Shapiro, Ph.D., M.A. tis@ncis.org
Humanities Editor
Amanda Haste, Ph.D., M.A., LGSM, ALCM, Dip. Trans. IoLET, FISM, MCI, MITI, CL. amanda.haste@ncis.org
STEM Editor
Joan Cunningham, Ph.D.,M.Sc.jcunningham@ncis.org
Associate Editors
- Jordan Lavender, Ph.D.
- Annie Rehill, Ph.D.