About Us
About NCIS
Founded in 1989, the National Coalition of Independent Scholars is an international organization whose members hail from many countries and who pursue diverse fields of study in a variety of disciplines.
Through NCIS, members gain access to scholarly opportunities and benefits and form a network that enables them to address issues unique to pursuing scholarship beyond the boundaries of formal academic institutions.
NCIS members include those who have not, nor wish to enter academia, and those who have left formal academic institutions to pursue independent scholarship. Many NCIS members also are contingent and precarious academics whose numbers continue to grow as academic institutions increasingly rely on often poorly compensated part-time scholars who receive few benefits and little job security. Still other NCIS members are those who changed careers to pursue long-held scholarly goals.
NCIS welcomes all independent scholars who qualify for Full or Associate membership.
We also welcome independent scholar organizations to join us as Partner groups; this enables group members to access selected NCIS member benefits.
Find us, follow us, friend us … Please join us on Facebook, Twitter, Academia edu, H-Scholar, Eventbrite and YouTube.
NCIS general information brochures available for downloading:
NCIS is an affiliate of the American Historical Association.