Sat 17 June Early Career Academia: An Insightful Overview with Kate Burrows. 12noon Pacific Time; 3pm Eastern Time; 8pm BST (UK); 9pm CET (Central Europe)
Our next event will be aimed at Early Career Researchers (ECR) but open to everyone – we can all learn! The webinar will be led by NCIS ECR Liaison and mentor Kate Burrows:
This free online workshop will give an overview of some of the experiences of early academics from various walks of life and in a diverse range of disciplines. The hopes they had of their early years post-PhD, as well as some of the challenges (and associated tears) they had will be discussed and the ideas they have developed along the way will be shared.
Come and listen, be inspired and share your experiences.
Register now at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/early-career-academia-an-insightful-overview-with-kate-burrows-tickets-625217481317