Affiliate Membership
Partner Groups (PGs) pay affiliation dues to NCIS (rate dependent on number of Partner Group members). In return, NCIS contributes to funding Partner Group start-up costs and events, and will provide access to an editable PG webpage and dedicated @ncis.org email address at the request of the PG leadership.
Partner Group leaders liaise with the NCIS Partner Group Liaison Officer, to ensure information about their events is up to date on the NCIS Partner News page.
Members of NCIS-affiliated Partner Groups enjoy some of the benefits offered by NCIS, such as being able to submit manuscripts to the NCIS open access peer-reviewed online journal The Independent Scholar. NB Membership in an affiliated Partner Group is independent of NCIS membership, and DOES NOT CONFER INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP OF NCIS. However, should a PG member apply for individual membership of NCIS, they are entitled to a $10 introductory discount on their first year's membership dues.
The Benefits Comparison chart shows the limited NCIS benefits available to individuals who pay dues to an affiliate group but not to NCIS, and compares these with the full range of benefits (grants, prizes, discounted JSTOR access etc.) available to Associate and Full Members of NCIS.
Membership in an affiliated group entitles new NCIS members to a $10 introductory discount on their first year's membership. Get details of criteria for all NCIS membership levels. Affiliated Partner Group members applying for individual membership in NCIS should indicate the name of the Partner Group to which they belong. Once NCIS confirms a new NCIS member's membership of an affiliated PG, then NCIS will process a refund of $10 to them.
[Please note that our website does not allow for this reduction, so dues will be paid at the normal rate and the refund applied retrospectively.]