We were delighted to learn of Janis Bell's co-authored book Designed to Impress: Guido Mazenta’s Plans for the Entry of Gregoria Maximiliana of Austria into Milan (1597). This volume, by Janis Bell, Elisa Ruiz Garcia (University of Madrid, Spain), Silvio Leydi and Stefano Bruzzese, is "a clearly-structured and well-written account of the sources and context in which the Milanese Guido Mazenta planned the Triumphal Entry of Gregoria into Milan. It offers a transcription of MS 2908 made by Elisa Ruiz Garcia, an extremely interesting source material, with a useful introduction on the iconography of the project identifying the emblematic and allegorical sources used by to construct the program for the welcoming of Gregoria Maximiliana into Milan, a failed project by Mazenta. Janis Bell, Stefano Bruzzese and Silvio Leydi, in the first three chapters of the monograph, offer insight into this intriguing sixteenth-century figure and on his contribution to the artistic and intellectual life of Milan." (https://www.vernonpress.com/book/1701).
You can benefit from the discount code CFC110160CAFC which will give you 24% off. The same book is for sale on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Designed-Impress-Madrid-History-Multilingual/dp/1648896227/