We were delighted to receive the following report from Kevin Waitkuweit, who received a Conference Support Grant enabling him to attend this conference.
It is with great appreciation that I write to than you for granting me funding support to attend the American Sociological Association’s 117th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. The funds covered much needed costs for me to present my research: "Political Engagement and Activism during COVID-19: Lessons from a Contemporary Honduran Case Study." I was also able to promote the NCIS, printing 300 flyers and placing them on tables at the Exhibition Hall for individuals to pick up and learn more about our organization.
At the end of my presentation, I thanked ASA and NCIS for providing me funding to attend the conference, and Dexis Consulting for allowing me to use the data for my paper. I plan on submitting this paper to a journal where, if published, I will acknowledge the support of the NCIS for this project. Again, I thank the organization for this support, it is greatly appreciated.
Kevin Hans Waitkuweit
Full Member, NCIS