NCIS member and grant award recipient Dr Doaa El Shereef has shared some news of her latest academic exploits. She writes:
" I participated as an Independent Scholar and a member of NCIS in 6th International Conference on Culture and History (ICCH 2022) that was held in Paris, France during July 25-27, 2022 and the conference was co-sponsored by Loyola Marymount University and Utrecht University this year. My participation was attending the conference in person not virtually for the first time after COVID-19 and I was happy to share my new research (A Theory about the First Amphibious Battle between Canaan and Egypt at Abydos in the prehistoric period about 3500 BC). The research paper will be published in their peer-reviewed journal and before the conference they told that they chose me to chair the session of Humanities and Social Sciences. It was a great experience as I have missed participating in conferences in person. I wanted to share this with the NCIS organization that I am proud to be part of."
Thank you Doaa!