Alan Johnson's picture

Real name: 

Primary Discipline

Primary Discipline: 

  • HumanitiesPhilosophy
Secondary Discipline

Secondary Discipline: 

  • HumanitiesHistory


Alan E. Johnson, an independent philosopher and historian, is the author of Reason and Human Ethics (2022), Free Will and Human Life (2021), The Electoral College: Failures of Original Intent and Proposed Constitutional and Statutory Changes for Direct Popular Vote, 2nd Edition  (2021), and The First American Founder: Roger Williams and Freedom of Conscience (2015). He is currently preparing a book on political philosophy titled Reason and Human Government.   For his papers and book reviews, see his website.
Alan Johnson holds an A.B. (Political Science, 1968) and an A.M. (Humanities, 1971) from the University of Chicago and a J.D. (1979) from Cleveland State University, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.  He retired in 2012 from the practice of law after a long career in which he focused mainly, though not exclusively, on constitutional and public law litigation.

Current research areas: 

I am currently preparing a book on political philosophy with the title Reason and Human Government.

Recent publications: 

My recently published books Reason and Human Ethics (2022), Free Will and Human Life  (2021), The Electoral College: Failures of Original Intent and Proposed Constitutional and Statutory Changes for Direct Popular Vote, 2nd Edition (2021) and The First American Founder: Roger Williams and Freedom of Conscience (2015) are available at and other Amazon locations throughout the world. My papers and book reviews can be accessed here.

Forthcoming research: 

I am currently preparing a book on political philosophy with the title Reason and Human Government.

Other activities: 

I am the founding moderator of the Goodreads "Political Philosophy and Ethics" group.  All persons having an interest in political philosophy or ethics (or related fields such as political history and constitutional law) are welcome to join this group.

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National Coalition of Independent Scholars