Saturday, September 20, 2014 - 12:49

Connect and Communicate

NCIS provides several channels through which our members can communicate.
Our Facebook page replaces the TIS Blog and its predecessor The Independent Scholar Quarterly (TISQ) as an active, moderated public discussion spaceHere you will find short scholarly articles, the newest book reviews, and scholarly posts submitted by members.
The Interest Group Discussion Forum (IGDF) is where members with common interests can create discussion groups. Email with subject as "Discussion Forum" to establish a discussion forum.
The NCIS Membership Mailing Listserv (MML) is a members only list used to distribute important information to NCIS members. Please stay subscribed to receive important notices.
H-Scholar is a public forum administered by NCIS, part of the H-Net Commons, where you can exchange and locate information relevant to  independent scholars and their scholarship.
Social Media
And don't forget to join us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and and choose NCIS as your affiliation.

Contact us

National Coalition of Independent Scholars